Focus Cell
You can now turn on Focus Cell in Excel. This highlights the row and column of the cell you have activated. Handy if you want to be able to see easily all the data in the row or column that you have selected. To turn on Focus cell, use the button on the View menu. […]
Check out a Checkbox in Excel
Checkboxes have been added recently to Excel. If you don’t have them, you may not have the latest version, so check for updates or your subscription. To add checkboxes to your sheet, go to Insert menu, and find the Checkbox. (Shortcut keys Alt, N, CB.) The value of a checkbox is True if ticked and […]
Referring to a spill in another formula
You can reference a spilled range in a formula. That way, whenever the spilled range changes size, your referencing formula automatically includes all the data. Above we have a filter formula that is spilling down four rows. Above we have a Unique formula that is referencing the spilled range. Note the # in the reference. […]
Value preview in formula bar.
Using Value Preview, you can see the value of each part of a formula in Excel. Just highlight the reference you are interested in, and a little box pops up that show you the value(s) in that reference. Or you can click on the parameter in the formula structure. More information and some videos showing […]
Search the right click menu
You can now search in the right click menu to find the tool you are looking for. You now get a search box when you right click on a cell, or use the keyboard shortcut key Shift F10 (or some keyboards have a dedicated key for it , see picture below.) The Search enables you […]
Data Validation drop down lists
Data validation lists are better than ever. The list will now automatically reduce to match what you have typed into the cell. This wasn’t the case for so long in Excel, but has been standard in forms on the internet for ages. It was possible to create a drop down box that did it, but […]
Line up – Use Align to get your graphs layout just right.
When you have graphs (Charts) or pictures in Excel and you want to get them lined up you can use Align. It is available on the Page Layout Menu (Alt, P AA) and also the Format Shape Menu. (Alt, JA, AA) You need to select the elements first. Use the Shift (or Ctrl) key (hold […]
Custom Number Format the rescue.
You can do a lot with custom number formats. One thing that is tricky is when you are presenting information and you want to have the units correct is allowing for 0 days, 1 day, 2 days. The lack of “s” when the unit is 1 is tricky, but can be sorted with a custom […]
Powerful Filter Button Options.
Once you have added Filter buttons to your data, either via the home menu or because you have a table, you have a lot of powerful options on how to use them. Filter by Color – if you have colours on your cells, either from formatting or conditional formatting, you can use this to filter […]
Getting started with Filter buttons.
Add Filter buttons to your data in Excel using Sort and Filter, then Filter. Found on the Home Menu. (Shortcut keys: Alt H, S, F). If you make your data into a Table, then you get the Filter buttons automatically. Learn more about Tables here. If you add filters to your data, you can access […]