Custom Spreadsheet Solutions
Productivity – powered by Excel

Save time: Link to a cell

A spreadsheet showing a link to another part of the spreadsheet.
Showing a link to a cell in the same workbook.

You can insert a link within a cell in Excel. This link could be to a web site, or a place within the spreadsheet. That way you can navigate around the worksheet or even to a different sheet without lots of scrolling and clicking. If you have a large sheet or a workbook with a lot of sheets in it, a link or two can save you a lot of time.

To set up a link, right click on the cell where you want your link to be and choose link and then select where you want to link to.

Choose “Place in this Document” to link to a place within the current workbook. You will then get a list of the sheets in the workbook, and you can type in the cell you want to refer to. You can also edit the text that will show in the current cell.

Another option is to link directly to a named ranged within the workbook. See more about named ranges here.